Meet the Gang!
Hi, I’m Yukee! With my trusty ukulele, I spend every day making music with my friends in the garden!
“I LOVE the music we make together - ukulele hug!”
Rock on! I’m Stripes, the rock’n’roll badger! With my guitar Betsy, I’m always ready to jam!
“I’ll rock this whole garden!”
Hiya!! I’m TapTap, the tippy-tappiest woodpecker around! I love finding ways to keep the beat.
“I’m in a fast drumming mood!”
Hey there, I’m Sonny! I love experimenting with odds and ends to make new instruments with fun sounds!
“Anything can be made musical with a bit of imagination!”
How do you do? I’m The Toad, one of the jazz greats! Whether I’m playing my double bass or jazz scatting, I always have a smooth groove!
“Ahem. Sorry… The Toad was lost in the moment”
Hello, my name is Twinkle! When I’m not practicing yoga in my zen garden, I like to play tinkle-y, twinkle-y instruments, like my xylophone!
“This is called the Upwards Facing Sunflower! Ommmmm”